Sunday 17 January 2010

Crochet Cupcakes.

I have been addicted for a week now with crochet. It's on my list of things to learn this year and I am loving it. So far I have done a couple of sampler squares, which will hopefully become a blanket in the coming months, a cute purple bunny with long ears and a pink hat, and six cupcakes. I absolutely love my cupcakes and can't wait to start another one. Just need a nice cake stand to display them on now. As soon as I get them set up I will share them with you.


boo vake said...

All that after one week!! I tried to get the hang of it last winter, managed only a few decent squares, lost my way a bit on the rounds, put it away for summer, and now forgotten all I've learnt and will have to start from stratch again (with no great expectations that I'll get any further this time round!) very impressed.

Buy Design said...

I did get a bit carried away but they were great fun to do. I've started working on crochet bracelets now using fine wire and beads.
Give me a shout if you fancy a lesson.